Diffuse neonatal hemangiomatosis. A case report with limited visceral involvement.

How to Cite

Simonetti V., Legori A., Strippoli D., Motolese A. 2006. Diffuse neonatal hemangiomatosis. A case report with limited visceral involvement. Eur. J. Pediat. Dermatol. 16 (2):77-80.


Simonetti V. Legori A. Strippoli D. Motolese A.
pp. 77-80


Hemangiomas represent a relatively common clinical entity in the pediatric age, affecting approximately 2% of newborns. 15-20% of these patients present a clear case of multiple hemangiomatosis. The newborns affected by multiple hemangiomatosis can have simply cutaneous involvement, emerging as a benign pattern known as benign neonatal hemangiomatosis, or have a cutaneous and visceral involvement, characteristic of diffuse or disseminated neonatal hemangiomatosis. This rare form of hemangiomatosis presents a serious prognosis, often fatal due to associated visceral complications and necessitates early and timely treatment. Here we describe the case of a baby affected by multiple hemangiomatosis with limited cutaneous and visceral involvement, successfully treated with high dose steroids.


Diffuse neonatal hemangiomatosis, Vascular tumours, Multiple hemangiomatosis